No. 1 in Taiwan's financial holding industry for 4 consecutive years
The first financial industry member in Taiwan in the World Economic Forum (WEF)
Among the Top 1 in the Asia insurance industry by Sustainalytics

Sustainability Performance

Green Finance

Long-tern 2025 Goals
Low Carbon
18,668 19,482 19,558
Green Energy
Technology Investment
3,011 2,419 3,290
Green Bonds Investment 284 660 456
Green Financing 1,383 2,132 4,659
Unit:NT$100 Million


Be positive, All possible
Forging a prosperous, sustainable future

The 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF), themed “Cooperation in a Fragmented World,” identified energy crises, grain shortages, and inflation resulting from the Russia-Ukraine war and the COVID-19 pandemic as the world’s most pressing problems. Inflation, especially, was causing a “cost-of-living crisis” that was seen as the most severe global short-term risk in the WEF’s 2023 Global Risks Report. Of the 10 biggest long-term risks identified in the report, the top five remained related to climate change.

As the only WEF member from Taiwan’s financial sector, Fubon Financial Holdings is acutely aware that the pursuit of sustainability is aimed at forging a more resilient world and that facing up to risks can guide us in foreseeing sustainability challenges ahead.

Despite facing this cluster of related global risks with compounding effects, which the WEF called a “polycrisis,” Fubon Financial Holdings has stayed the course on its “ESG Visioning Project,” serving as the Run for Green™ sustainability standard-bearer and leading the way on green finance to create a common good.

We achieved three “firsts” in 2022. One of those firsts involved our financial results. Fubon Financial Holdings ranked first in net income and earnings per share among Taiwan’s financial holding companies, leading the sector in EPS for a 14th consecutive year. Though capital markets were highly volatile for much of the year, Fubon subsidiaries maintained their profitability. Taipei Fubon Bank and Fubon Life reported their highest and second-highest net incomes, respectively, in their histories.

The next milestone was achieving the first merger of Taiwanese financial holding companies. Fubon Financial Holdings formally completed the merger with Jih Sun Financial Holdings on Nov. 11, 2022, and the mergers of the two groups’ banks and securities and futures firms were completed in April 2023. Beyond making history, the merger only further diversified our financial services and broadened our presence in the market, which should expand our influence in the sustainable finance field.

The final “first” was in the ESG domain. Fubon Financial Holdings was selected to the top tier Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World Index for a sixth consecutive year in 2022, and we ranked first among global insurers in the index’s social dimension. We also were rated in the top three among global insurers in Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings, and our ESG risk score ranked in the top 1% of all companies in the ratings.

Beyond setting new milestones, Fubon Financial Holdings continued to widen its influence in the green finance field and encouraged low-carbon transitions in several industries. In September 2022, we joined the RE100 and committed to powering all of our operating locations exclusively with green energy by 2040, and in October, our proposal to reduce carbon emissions by 42% by 2030 passed an SBT review.

Our campaign to save energy by installing new equipment and changing the way employees use electricity has also paid dividends, saving an average of 2 million kWh of power a year over the past five years.

Similarly, Fubon has used its influence in the financial sector, through its investments and loans, to cut carbon emissions. Carbon reduction targets cover over 50% of its total investment portfolio and lending activities by monetary value, including loans to the power generation, commercial real estate, and electronics manufacturing sectors and petrochemical, oil and gas industries, the highest coverage rate of any financial institution in Asia. Taipei Fubon Bank has also arranged sustainability-linked loans for such companies as AUO Optronics, CPC Corp. Taiwan, and Lite-On Technology, and Fubon Asset Management has issued a Fubon ESG Green Energy ETF.

Beyond leveraging the synergies and value of the merger between Fubon and Jih Sun after the mergers of their banking, securities, and futures units were completed in the first half of 2023, we intend to use green finance to spread prosperity, harness positive forces in society, and develop the Fubon ESG Visioning Project as we move closer to becoming one of Asia’s first-class financial institutions.

Our campaign to save energy by installing new equipment and changing the way employees use electricity has also paid dividends, saving an average of 2 million kWh of power a year over the past five years.

Similarly, Fubon has used its influence in the financial sector, through its investments and loans, to cut carbon emissions. Carbon reduction targets cover over 50% of its total investment portfolio and lending activities by monetary value, including loans to the power generation, commercial real estate, and electronics manufacturing sectors and petrochemical, oil and gas industries, the highest coverage rate of any financial institution in Asia. Taipei Fubon Bank has also arranged sustainability-linked loans for such companies as AUO Optronics, CPC Corp. Taiwan, and Lite-On Technology, and Fubon Asset Management has issued a Fubon ESG Green Energy ETF.

Beyond leveraging the synergies and value of the merger between Fubon and Jih Sun after the mergers of their banking, securities, and futures units were completed in the first half of 2023, we intend to use green finance to spread prosperity, harness positive forces in society, and develop the Fubon ESG Visioning Project as we move closer to becoming one of Asia’s first-class financial institutions.


  • The merger of Fubon and Jih Sun has been completed officially and moves toward a new corporate governance milestone.
The merger of Fubon and Jih Sun has been completed officially and moves toward a new corporate governance milestone
  • Fubon Financial has won “Double A” honor of CDP climate change, supplier engagement rating for two consecutive years.
  • Fubon Financial Holdings officially became the member of PCAF and AIGCC.
  • Fubon signed World Economic Forum “Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics” Commitment.
  • Fubon Financial officially joins RE 100 and commits to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across its global operations by 2040.
Fubon Financial officially joins RE 100
  • Fubon will disclose ESG information related to investors in “Fubon Financial Holdings 2020 CSR Report” in accordance with the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards for the insurance industry.
  • Fubon Life and Fubon Insurance published the 2020 Sustainability Report in 2021, which integrated PSI principles.
  • Published the first TCFD (Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures) report in the financial industry.
  • Fubon Insurance adopted principles for sustainable insurance and published a PSI Report.
  • Officially became a TCFD Supporter in September 2019.
  • Adjusted Fubon Financial Holdings Responsible Investment Management Guidelines to apply to Fubon Financial Holdings and subsidiaries in 2019 for unified compliance with Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI).
  • Adopted the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) climate risk management framework at the end of 2018.
  • Stipulated Fubon Financial Holdings Responsible Investment Management Guidelines in 2017.
  • The first financial institution to commit to science based targets (SBT) in carbon reduction in 2016.
  • Started complying with UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment in 2014.
  • Support the carbon disclosure project (CDP) and completed the CDP questionnaire.

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