Brand Story | 富邦金控

Be positive All possible

In supporting clients pursue their dreams of better futures, Fubon Financial Holdings helps them enrich and broaden their lives, uninhibited by material constraints. Fubon’s positive energy and full range of financial services inspire people to boldly stride forward and make the impossible possible.

Core Values

Fubon Financial Holdings and its subsidiaries adhere to four core values in its operations: integrity, sincerity, professionalism and innovation.

  • Integrity: Integrity is at the heart of Fubon’s practices, whether abiding by the law or fulfilling its corporate social responsibility when doing business.
  • Sincerity: Fubon serves customers with sincerity and makes every effort to meet their needs.
  • Professionalism: Fubon sees professionalism as striving for excellence and providing a wide range of services through corporate synergies.
  • Innovation: Fubon always thinks outside the box, embraces challenges, and creates value for its customers.

Our Attributes

  • Trust: Is at the heart of positivity and is the prerequisite for Fubon Financial Holdings’ development and ability to propel society forward.
  • Vitality: Expresses our positive energy, which is seen in our passion for service, pursuit of excellence, and support of our clients so they can realize their dreams.
  • Visionary: Guides our path forward in a positive direction; we embrace a positive view of the future and provide the impetus needed to achieve new heights.
  • Excellence: Results from self-initiated improvement brought about by positivity; not limited by convention, we are always searching for better solutions.
  • Openness: Is our mindset; we face the world with a positive attitude, fostering creativity and new talent and forming robust and lasting partnerships.

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