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Fubon Financial Holdings communicates closely with its major stakeholders, and the main aspects of those communications are reported to the board of directors twice a year.


Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • Revenues reported monthly
  • Investors conference held quarterly
  • Participation in domestic/ foreign investor forums to discuss the Company’s finances and business
  • Contact persons, email addresses for investors posted on Investor Relations and Stakeholders web pages
  • Corporate governance and ethical management
  • Sustainable finance
  • Customer relationship management
  • Organized 95 meetings with investors.
  • Reported shareholder opinions every quarter and strengthened the management of our communications with shareholders.
  • Participated in investor forums organized by J.P. Morgan, Nomura, BofA, Goldman Sachs, QIC, Citi ,UBS, MasterLink, Morgan Stanley and others.


Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • Customer complaint channels and customer service hotline available
  • Customer satisfaction surveys conducted regularly
  • Corporate seminars and risk management courses held occasionally
  • Information security
  • Sustainable finance
  • Compliance and anti-crime measure
  • Climate assets
  • Low-carbon operations
  • Key service indicators and satisfaction survey monitored and tracked monthly to meet customer needs.
  • Brand survey conducted annually, quantitative data from questionnaires and qualitative data from interviews at seminars used to track the perceptions consumers and customers have of the Fubon brand.
  • Taipei Fubon Bank has set up a “Customer Feedback Channel” at its branches, providing QR codes on display stands and stamp pads through which customers can provide feedback in real time.
  • Intelligent customer service system adopted to expand customer service capacity and improve customer satisfaction.

Competent Authorities

Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • Occasional participation in seminars and briefings held by competent authorities.
  • Operating data compiled and revenue reported monthly as required by competent authorities.
  • CPA-audited financial statements released quarterly.
  • Annual report and sustainability report issued annually; shareholders meeting held annually.
  • Corporate governance and ethical management
  • Sustainable finance
  • Information security
  • Named as a constituent of the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s “Taiwan Corporate Governance Top 100 Index” eight times in a row (2015-2022).
  • Participated in the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s hearing on a “Sustainable Development Roadmap”.
  • Participated in the TCFD and PRB task forces of the Banking Bureau and Bankers Association of the R.O.C.; was part of the TCFD research task force set up by the Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C. and helped produce a report with suggestions on climate-related financial disclosures by the life insurance sector.
  • Issues financial statements, an annual report and a Sustainability Report as required by the competent authority.


Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • New collective bargaining agreements negotiated after three-year terms of previous agreements end
  • Employee engagement survey conducted every two years
  • Senior managers present their expectations for employees and operating outlook at the beginning of each year
  • Labor-management meetings and occupational safety and health meetings held quarterly
  • Established an “Employee Grievance” section on Fubon’s internal website
  • Corporate governance and ethical management
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Low-carbon operations
  • Healthy workplace
  • Sustainable finance
  • Two-way labor-management communications maintained on worker benefits and working conditions; they help promote better labor-management cooperation and relations.
  • Consulting company responsible for handling the employee engagement survey briefed senior managers of Fubon Financial Holdings and its main subsidiaries on the survey’s results; each department made improvements based on the feedback given on important issues.
  • Employee complaint cases and feedback are handled based on existing procedures within set deadlines, and employees are given responses in writing or by phone; the cases are processed and settled in an effective and comprehensive manner.


Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • Activities and donations publicly shared on foundations’ websites.
  • Foundations and community exchanges facilitated through Fubon’s annual gifts and premiums program.
  • Sustainable finance
  • Talent development and retention
  • Financial inclusion
  • Multifaceted philanthropic platform
  • Embraced the United Nations Sports for Climate Action framework by communicating sustainability values to participants of sports events organized and sponsored by Fubon.
  • Organized the 2022 “Fubon Globalization Forum” with National Taiwan University’s Risk Society and Policy Research Center to discuss the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050; representatives from the private and public sectors, academia, and NPOs were invited to offer insight on climate and net-zero issues.
  • Was invited to the “Green Footrace Forum,” discussed Fubon’s Run For Green initiative and efforts to use its financial influence to promote greener competitions; also connected with sports clubs and associations.
  • Engaged with NPOs/NGOs through Unity Sustainability Services’ Sustainability iLab.

(incl. sustainability experts and associations)

Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • Regularly participates in international ratings questionnaire surveys
  • Joins sustainability groups and takes part in related forums and activities
  • Engages in regular exchanges and communications
  • Corporate governance and ethical management
  • Sustainable finance
  • ESG risk management
  • Fintech and innovation
  • Information security
  • Takes part in DJSI ratings survey and CDP climate survey every year.
  • Participated in the 2022 Global Views Leaders Forum and discussed Fubon’s ESG practices.
  • Held the 2022 Global Risks Analysis Forum with a theme of “Winning Strategies for ESG to Take Root”.
  • Participated in the “Finance x ESG Research Platform”; met quarterly with peers in the financial sector to exchange practices related to sustainability.
  • Visits ESG experts in various fields every year and asks them for suggestions on improving sustainability practices.
  • Fubon Financial Holdings featured at a Taiwan Center for Corporate Sustainability CSR Café event.


Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • Supplier ESG training and a ESG conference with suppliers organized annually.
  • ESG evaluation of suppliers conducted annually.
  • Information security
  • Human rights
  • Low-carbon operations
  • Net-zero emissions goals
  • Held a digital course called “From corporate carbon inventories to Taiwan 2050 Net Zero” through the e-procurement system; suppliers had to complete the course before they could access the system to bid on jobs.
  • Referred to PAS 7000 and other standards and guidelines to design an assessment questionnaire and then asked suppliers that met a certain sales threshold to fill it out online in the e-procurement system; the response rate was 94%.
  • Supplier ESG Conference held online; suppliers with outstanding evaluations were commended; the results of the supplier evaluation were explained, and suggestions for improvement given; a presentation on the topic “Developing ESG to Create Supply Chain Value” was made.


Communication Frequency
and Channels
Issues of
  • Press releases issued occasionally
  • Dedicated divisions and personnel in charge of communicating with and responding to the media
  • Customer relationship management
  • Financial inclusion
  • 405 press releases issued by the financial holding company, its subsidiaries and foundations in 2022.
  • A public relations department is responsible for handling media communications for the financial holding company and its subsidiaries and providing timely responses to media inquiries.
  • Press conferences held occasionally by the financial holding company and subsidiaries.
  • Quarterly investor conferences held and open to media; the conferences are hosted by Fubon Financial Holdings' president, who answers questions from media at these events.

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