Principles for Sustainable Insurance, PSI

In 2020, Fubon Insurance conducted The Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) Initiative launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to make its operations and governance more sustainable and align itself with international practices. By identifying, assessing, managing and monitoring risks and opportunities associated with ESG issues, Fubon Insurance is hoping to improve business performance, develop innovative solutions, incorporate sustainability principles in its business and products, and join efforts to lead the industry in developing sustainably.

GRI Standards

Fubon Insurance has adopted international sustainable development standards. In 2021, Fubon Insurance disclosed its actions towards sustainable development goals and its negative impacts on and positive contributions towards the economy, environment, and society according to the Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

SASB Standards

SASB standards was launched by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. Fubon Insurance follows industry-specific standards in its sustainability report, focusing on key topics within the insurance industry. It provides quantitative indicators that have an impact on financial or operational aspects,helping to assess the performance of ESG activities.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Fubon Insurance has adopted the frameworks (governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets) developed by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and continues to refine the climate change management with the goal of low-carbon transformation, strengthen the company's resilience in the face of climate change.


  • 2022 Fubon Insurance Sustainability Report CH EN
  • 2022 Fubon Insurance TCFD Report CH
  • 2021 Fubon Insurance Sustainability Report CH EN
  • 2020 Fubon Insurance Sustainability Report CH EN
  • 2019 Fubon Insurance PSI Report CH EN