Corporate Customer Loss Control Seminar

Boost corporate risk aversion capacity

With rapid evolution of technology and unpredictability of natural and man-made disasters, the risk related concepts have shifted from “compensation for losses” to “risk aversion”. Fubon maintains that the social responsibilities of an insurance company include not just compensating the existing customers for losses caused by accidents, but also educating the society to prevent risks from happening and how to minimize losses after they occur, in addition to their basic responsibility to compensate for losses.

Introduce international practices and cases and improve control specifications

In response to the corporate risk management development trends and customer demands, Fubon proactively introduces the novel international loss control technology and collects and analyzes major accident cases at home and abroad through the insurance mechanism. It also shares its research results with its key customers at regular corporate customer loss control seminars and also invites domestic scholars and experts to propose case analysis and response advice based on major risk accidents in recent years, thereby expanding the traditional claim settlement service to include pre-event loss prevention services and helping companies complete risk management and fulfill an insurance company’s corporate social responsibilities. Fubon will continue to provide its customers with multi-dimensional consultation about loss control technology, introduce the international safety practices and help customers bring their risk management software and hardware facilities to the international level.

Seminar of responsibilities of directors and supervisors and corporate governance practices

Information security risk management seminar
Manufacturing industry risk management seminar
Biotech and pharmaceutical industry risk management seminar

Automobile insurance loss control promotion

No effort should be spared to promote and bring correct concepts to life in every corner

As traffic accidents crop up here and there, victims have no clue how to deal with scene of the accident and have nowhere to turn at last. Fubon Insurance aggressively promotes education of automobile insurance loss control, in hope of offering the public with correct driving concepts so that they can take correct responses when an accident happens.

To enable customers to understand that prevention is better than compensation, Fubon Insurance furnishes an automobile insurance related loss control promotion service to customers for free and Fubon Insurance Customer Service Unit selects outstanding customer service officers to form an “Automobile Insurance Related Loss Control Promotion Instructor Team”. Upon requests from customers, they will deliver knowledge about driving loss control and safety at the customer’s site, to lower the traffic accident occurrence rate, and share how to respond to an accident to protect their interests. This service has been widely recognized by the public since its launch in 2015, and some authorities or organizations have included Fubon Insurance’s promotion service for the insured into their education program.