Fubon Insurance received Five Awards for Best Sense of Social Responsibility Award, Best Distinguished Insurance Professionalism for Non-life Award, Best Channel Strategy Award, Best Product Innovation Award (Fubon Insurance Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Liability and Expense Indemnity Insurance), and Best Non-life Representative Office Award (Commercial Insurance Sales Dept III), as well as Best Integrated Communication Award- Merit Award, Best Contribution Award for Insurance Education-Merit Award, and Best Professional Consultant Award-Merit Award (for Assistant Vice President Keith Zhang of the Engineering & Marine Insurance Product Dept.), as the most-awarded insurance company in the 26th Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony held by RMIM.
Fubon Insurance was recognized by the Financial Supervisory Commission for ranking in the top 25% in Annual Assessment based on the Treating Customers Fairly Policy in 2024.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the Most Recommended Company in the Survey on Insurance Covering Behavior and Satisfaction Selected by Thousands of Enterprises by RMIM Inc. for twenty-two year running, and was awarded four Awards for Best Image - 1st Place, Best Professional - 1st Place, Best After- sales Services - 1st Place, and Most Recommended Brand - 1st Place in 2024 Insurance Quality Awards ceremony.
Fubon Insurance cooperates with Taiwan Mobile to innovative insurance service, and was the first pilot approved by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
Fubon Insurance’s the first reinsurance company - Fubon Reinsurance Labuan co. was opened in Malaysia. It is an important milestone for Fubon Insurance’s overseas development.
Fubon Insurance was honored with Sports Sponsorship category-Gold Award from Sports Activist Awards.
Fubon Insurance was honored with Awards for 2023 Annual Residential Earthquake Insurance Excellence Award - Second place and 2023 Annual Microinsurance Competition - Services for the Disabled Award.
Fubon Insurance won Corporate Sustainability Report Golden Award in 2023 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards.
Fubon Insurance won three Awards for Digital Innovation Gold Award, Digital Information Security Gold Award, and Digital Service Best Quality Award from 2023 Digital Financial Service Award.
Fubon Insurance won the Consumer Finance Brand Award – Best Non-life Insurance Service Excellence Award from Taiwan Financial Award 2023.
Fubon Insurance won three Gold Awards for Excellence in Public Care, Excellence in Staff Training, Excellence in Residential Earthquake Insurance Promotion, as well as four Silver Awards for Excellence in Product Innovation, Excellence in ICT Innovation, Excellence in Promotion on Information Security, and Excellence in Promotion on Future Risk Insurance, again becoming the biggest winner of non-life insurance industry in the tenth Taiwan Insurance Excellence Award.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the award for Best Sense of Social Responsibility Award, Distinguished Insurance Professionalism Award for Non-life Insurers, Best Contributions Award for Insurance Education, Best Channel Strategy, Best Product Creativity Award(Fubon Insurance first-time-cancer specific treatment expense health insurance), Best Non-life Representative Office(Commercial Insurance Sales Dept V), Best Insurance Achievement(Executive Vice President Benson Lin of Commercial Insurance), Best Professional Advisor( Assistant Vice President Amanda Wang of Casualty Insurance Product Dept.) for High Distinction,as well as Best Non-life Representative Office(Commercial Insurance Sales Dept I) , as the most-awarded insurance company in the 25th Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony held by RMIM.
Fubon insurance was honored with Most Customer-Centric General Insurance Company in The Global Economics Awards 2023.The only winner in the industry in Taiwan.
Steps toward Net-Zero! Fubon Insurance is the First of Insurance Industry to Commit to "2050 Net-Zero Underwriting".
First in the World! The Demolition Works of Fubon Insurance’s Headquarter Building was Awarded “UL 2799 Gold-Level Certification of Zero Waste to Landfill”.
Fubon Insurance won Outstanding Post-Pandemic Transformation in Digital CX – Insurance at the 2023 Digital Customer Experience Award from The Digital Banker.
Fubon insurance was honored with Best Non-Life Insurance Company Taiwan 2023 in Global Business Magazine Awards. The only winner in the industry in Taiwan.
Fubon Insurance has pioneered to get the approval from the authority to trial run the service of Mobile ID for insurance and claim online.
Fubon Insurance was honored with Insurance m Golden Champion, Dragon and Phoenix Insurance Awards Golden Champion, Faith, Hope and Love Award of Insurance Golden Champion, becoming the biggest winner of general insurance industry in the Ten-year Champion Hero List of the Three Insurance Awards.
Fubon Insurance was honored with three Awards for 2021 Anuual Residential Earthquake Insurance Excellence Award - Second place, 2021 Annual Microinsurance Competition - Services for the Disabled Award, 2021 Annual Microinsurance Competition - Business Excellence Award, in 2022 Insurance Industry Coordinate with Policy to Promote Various Business Winners Award Ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won Corporate Sustainability Report Golden Award in 2022 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards.
Fubon Insurance won General Insurance Customer Satisfaction & Happiness Taiwan 2022 and Best General Insurance Company Taiwan 2022 from Global Banking and Finance Award 2022.
Fubon Insurance won Best Brand Image Award from Excellence Insurance Rating 2022.
Fubon Insurance was honored with Sports Sponsorship category–Gold Award and Long-Term Sponsorship Award from Sports Activist Awards.
Fubon Insurance was granted the 2022 Sports Enterprise Certification by Sports Administration, MOE for its commitment to offering a happy and vibrant workplace for its employees.
Fubon Insurance won two Awards for Digital Information Security Excellence Award and Digital Service Optimization Excellence Award from 2022 Digital Financial Service Award.
Fubon Insurance won PwC Sustainable Impact Bronze Award.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the award for Best Sense of Social Responsibility Award, Distinguished Insurance Professionalism Award for Non-life Insurers, Best Contributions Award for Insurance Education, Best Channel Strategy, Best Product Creativity Award(Insurance for Electric Scooter Sharing Systems), Best Non-life Representative Office(Commercial Insurance Sales Dept II), Best Non-life Representative Office(ChengChung Branch Sales Dep.I), Best Insurance Achievement(Vice President Albert Chen of Customer Service & Claim), as well as Best Professional Advisor( Assistant Vice President Steven Hsieh of Personal Insurance Product Dept.) for High Distinction, as the most-awarded insurance company in the 24th Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony held by RMIM.
Fubon Insurance won 2022 Reader's Digest Trusted Brand - Insurance Company - Gold Awards.
Fubon Insurance won Outstanding Digital CX - Mobile Banking at the 2022 Digital Customer Experience Award from The Digital Banker.
Fubon insurance was honored with Best Non-Life Insurance Company Taiwan 2022 in Global Business Magazine Awards. The only winner in the industry in Taiwan.
Fubon Insurance obtained Carbon Footprint Label and Carbon Reduction Label from the government.
Fubon insurance was honored with Most Innovative General Insurance Company, Best General Insurance Company in The Global Economics Awards 2022.The only winner in the industry in Taiwan.
Fubon Insurance conducted AI in 0800 customer service center, and launched the first voice-activated robot in the industry.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the Most Recommended Company in the Survey on Insurance Covering Behavior and Satisfaction Selected by Thousands of Enterprises by RMIM Inc. for twenty-first year running, and was awarded four Awards for Best Image - 1st Place, Best Professional - 1st Place, Best After- sales Services - 1st Place, and Most Recommended Brand - 1st Place in 2022 Insurance Quality Awards ceremony.
Fubon Insurance obtained the ISO 14067 certification .
Fubon Insurance was honored with five Awards for Outstanding Performance Award for the Insurance Industry in Epidemic Prevention Insurance Products - First place, 2021 Anuual Residential Earthquake Insurance Excellence Award - Second place, 2021 Annual Microinsurance Competition - Services for the Disabled Award, Investment in important startup industries - Financial Investment Group, and Investment in important startup industries - Project Investment Group in 2021 Insurance Industry Coordinate with Policy to Promote Various Business, Insurance Performance and Treat Clients Fairly Winners Award Ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won Best Brand Trust Award in 2021 Excellence Insurance Rating ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won Responsible Product Influence Award in The 5th PwC Sustainable Influence Award ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won Corporate Sustainability Report Award, Copper Award, and Growth through Innovation Award in 2021 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards.
Fubon Insurance was honored with Sponsorship Award Silver Class and Sponsorship Award Long-Term Sponsorship Award from Sports Activist Awards.
Fubon Insurance was honored with six Gold Awards for Excellence in Public Care Award, Excellence in Talent Training, Excellence in Product Innovation, Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in Emerging Risk Management Product Promotion, Excellence in Risk Management, as well as three Silver Awards for Excellence in Information Security Promotion, Excellence in Compulsory Auto Liability Insurance Promotion, Excellence in Information Application from 2021Taiwan Insurance Excellent Performance, again becoming the biggest winner of insurance industry in the ninth Taiwan Insurance Excellence Award.
Fubon Insurance won two Awards for Online Insurance Service-Gold Awards and Digital Transformation Model Award from 2021 Digital Financial Service Award.
Fubon Insurance won General Insurance Customer Satisfaction & Happiness Taiwan 2021 from GLOBAL BANKING & FINANCE AWARDS.
Fubon Insurance was honored with six Awards for Best Sense of Social Responsibility Award, Distinguished Insurance Professionalism Award for Non-life Insurers, Best Product Creativity Award(Epidemic Salary Payment Insurance), Best Non-life Representative Office(Commercial Insurance Sales Dept III), Best Insurance Achievement(Senior Vice General Manager Victor Chen of Personal Insurance), Best Professional Advisor( Assistant Manager Emily Lee of Commercial Insurance Products), as well as Best Contributions Award for Insurance Education, Best Product Creativity Award(Disease Medical Treatment and Expense Compensation Insurance) and Best Non-life Representative Office(Taitung Branch) for High Distinction in the 22+1st Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony held by RMIM, winning the most big awards among peers.
Fubon Insurance won Digital Customer Experience Awards 2021-Outstanding Digital CX-Corporate Insurance from The Digital Banker.
Fubon Insurance won Reader's Digest Trusted Brand Gold Awards for Insurance Company.
Fubon Insurance won Triple A Digital Awards 2021- Digital Insurer of the Year-Taiwan from The Asset, proving itself to be the only one with the honor in the financial industry.
Fubon Insurance won the High Distinction for being the most attractive insurance company in the survey on Employment Intention of Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in RMIM’s tenth Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won four Awards for 2020 Insurance Competition-Microinsurance-Sustainable Care, Residential Earthquake Insurance Excellence Award-2nd place, Evaluation of Investment in New Long-term Care Public Project-Project Investment Division, and Evaluation of Investment in New Long-term Care Public Project-Financial Investment Division from Insurance Bureau, FSC.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the Most Recommended Company in the Survey on Insurance Covering Behavior and Satisfaction Selected by Thousands of Enterprises by RMIM Inc. for twenty year running, and was awarded with the Insurance Quality Award for High Distinction of Best Image, Best Professionalism, Best After-sales Service, and Most Recommended Company.
Fubon Insurance won Taiwan Corporate Sustainbility Award-Innovation Growth Award from Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE).
Fubon Insurance won two Awards for Decade of Excellence Insurance Taiwan 2020 and General Insurance Customer Satisfaction & Happiness Taiwan 2020 from Global Banking and Finance Review.
Fubon Insurance won the Excellence Insurance Ratings - Best CSR Award, Non-life Insurance Division held by Excellence Magazine.
Fubon Insurance introduced the Principles for Sustainability Reports (PSI) Initiative launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and published the 2019 Fubon Insurance PSI Report.
Fubon Insurance won Reader's Digest Trusted Brand Platinum Awards for Insurance Company.
Fubon Insurance won the High Distinction for being the most attractive insurance company in the survey on Employment Intention of Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in RMIM’s ninth Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won the (The Asset) Best Digital Insurance Device Award by The Asset, and was the only insurer who won this award in the year.
Fubon Insurance won the (The Digital Banker) 2020 Digital Customer Experience Award - Best Customer Experience on Digital Claims by The Digital Banker.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the Most Recommended Insurance Company in the Survey on Insurance Covering Behavior and Satisfaction Selected by Thousands of Enterprises by RMIM Inc. for the nineteenth year running, and was awarded with the Insurance Quality Award for High Distinction of Best Image, Best Professionalism, Best After-Sales Service, and Most Recommended Company.
Fubon Insurance was rated as the Best Insurance Company (Global Banking and Finance Awards) in Taiwan in 2019 with the Global Banking and Finance Awards.
Fubon Insurance was granted the 2019 Sports Enterprise Certification by Sports Administration, MOE for its commitment to offering a happy and vibrant workplace for its employees.
Fubon Insurance won the Best Fintech Quality Award, Fintech Innovation Application Award in the 2019 Wealth Magazine Finance Award with its Intelligent Auto Insurance Claim System.
Fubon Insurance won five Gold Awards for Excellence in Public Service, Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in Talent Training, Excellence in Risk Management and Excellence in Emerging Risk Management Product Promotion, as well as three Silver Awards for Excellence in Product Project Planning, Excellence in Information Application and Excellence in Information Security Promotion, again becoming the biggest winner of insurance industry in the eighth Taiwan Insurance Excellence Award.
Fubon Insurance was honored with six Awards for Best Social Responsibility, Best Insurance Professionalism, Best Marketing Channel Strategy, Best Communication Service (for Hsinchu Branch), Best Insurance Achievement (for Senior Vice General Manager Lin Cheng-Pin of Shared Resources) and Best Professional Advisor (for Assistant Manager Huang Shih-Kuan of Automobile Insurance), as well as Best Insurance Education Contribution for High Distinction and Best Product Innovation (for Temperature Parameter Milkfish Aquaculture Insurance) for High Distinction in the 21st Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony held by RMIM, winning the most awards among peers.
Fubon Insurance was awarded with the Excellence in Personal Information Protection by SGS, proving itself to be the only one with the honor in the financial industry.
Fubon Insurance ranked third in the insurance industry in the first session of Evaluation Mechanism for Fair Dealing Principles in Financial Industry held by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
Fubon Insurance won Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Platinum Awards for Insurance Company
Fubon Insurance won the High Distinction for being the most attractive insurance company in the survey on Employment Intention of Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in RMIM’s eighth Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance was rated as the Digital Insurer of the Year, Taiwan by The Asset, and won the Digital Project Awards Most Innovative Mobile Insurance Application, Taiwan with its SME Insurance Marketing Tool (APP).
Fubon Insurance has pioneered to introduce the service of Instant Payment for Accident. Small claim payment could be transferred to a designated account right after the claim adjusters help reach a settlement between both parties on the spot.
Fubon Insurance ranked third in the insurance industry in the first session of Evaluation Mechanism for Fair Dealing Principles in Financial Industry held by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
Fubon Insurance was honored with Taiwan’s Best Insurance Company in 2018 by Global Banking and Finance Review
Following the government’s policies to devote itself to promoting microinsurance and earthquake insurance as well as investing in the development of innovative technological services, Fubon Insurance won the High Distinction Award for Microinsurance Business, the Second Place for Excellence in Residential Earthquake Insurance and the High Distinction Award for the Project Application Group of Innovative Key Industry Investment by the Insurance Bureau of Financial Supervisory Commission.
Fubon Insurance won the Best Fintech Gold Award, Fintech Innovation Application Award in the 2018 Wealth Magazine Finance Award. The company has developed the SME Insurance Marketing Tool (APP) to intelligently recommend cross-insurance coverage for SMEs.
Fubon Insurance was granted the Gold Award for Excellent Contribution in Agricultural Insurance by the Council of Agriculture in recognition of the company’s devotion to development of agricultural insurance and fulfillment of corporate social responsibility.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the Awards for Contribution in Agricultural Insurance, Best Social Responsibility, Best Insurance Professionalism, Best Marketing Channel Strategy, Best Communication Service for First Corporate Business Department, Best Insurance Achievement for Yen Shun-Chih, and Best Professional Advisor for Lin Kuo-yu, as well as the Best Insurance Education Contribution for High Distinction, Best Integrated Marketing Communication for High Distinction, Best Product Innovation for Rice Crop in Harvest Season Insurance for High Distinction, Best Product Innovation for Temperature Parameter Aquaculture Insurance for High Distinction, and Best Communication Service for First Corporate Business Department, Kaohsiung Branch in the 20th Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony held by RMIM, as the most-awarded insurance company .
Fubon Insurance (Vietnam) was honored with the award granted by the Insurance Supervisory Authority of Ministry of Finance, Vietnam for its remarkable contribution in improving Vietnam’s insurance market. It is the first foreign-funded insurance company awarded by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam.
Fubon Insurance won the High Distinction for being the most attractive insurance company in the survey on Employment Intention of Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in RMIM’s seventh Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance Building was granted the ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification and was awarded with a commendation by the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Fubon Insurance was rated as Taiwan’s Best Insurance Company in 2017 by Global Bank and Finance Review.
Fubon Insurance won the Best Independent Innovation Award for its Fleet Loss Control Service in the 2017 Corporate Governance Platinum Award by The Asset.
Fubon Insurance was awarded Taiwan’s Best TWD Bond Investment Company in the 2017 Asian Local Currency Bond Benchmark Review survey made by The Asset.
Fubon Insurance won the Insurance Quality Award of RMIM Magazine for five High Distinctions: Best Well-Known Company, Best Image, Best After-Sales Service, Best Professionalism and Most Recommended Company, and became the winner of Best Insurance Company of the Year (2017) Selected by Thousands of Enterprises for seventeen consecutive years.
Fubon Insurance was granted the Sports Enterprise Certification by Sports Administration, MOE for actively encouraging employees to do sports and thus creating a healthy working environment. The Company put its brand spirit of Positive Energy into practice.
Fubon Insurance won the Best Digital Award in the 2017 Excellent Insurance Competition held by Excellence Magazine.
Fubon Insurance won six Gold Awards and two Silver Awards for Excellence in Public Service, Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in Talent Training, Excellence in Product Innovation Project Planning, Excellence in Risk Management, Excellence in Information Security Promotion, Excellence in Information Application and Excellence in Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Promotion in the seventh Taiwan Insurance Excellence Award held by Taiwan Insurance Institute. Besides, Tsan-Huang Chen, Chairman of Fubon Insurance, won the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the Awards for Best Social Responsibility, Best Insurance Professionalism, Best Product Innovation for Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance, Best Insurance Achievement for Chin-Sui Lin, Best Professional Consultant for Hsing-Chin Cheng, Best Communication Service for Fifth Corporate Business Department of Property Insurance Group, Best Insurance Education Contribution for High Distinction, Best Integrated Marketing Communication for High Distinction and Best Marketing Channel Strategy for High Distinction in the 19th Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony held by RMIM Inc.
Fubon Insurance Building won the 2017 Taipei Energy Conservation Leadership Award for Group A Excellence in Industry and Commerce.
Fubon Insurance was re-selected as the Most Attractive Insurance Company by graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments and won the Dragon & Phoenix Award for the Insurance Company with High Distinction.
Fubon Insurance won the 2016 Insurance Quality Award for four High Distinctions for Best Image, Best After-Sales Service, Best Professionalism and Most Recommended Company, and ranked first as the most recommended insurance company in the Survey on Insurance Buying Behavior and Satisfaction Selected by Thousands of Enterprises for sixteen consecutive years.
Fubon Insurance won the Best Insurance Company for the third time since 1999 and 2004 in the 20th Asia Insurance Industry Awards ceremony held by Asia Insurance Review in 2016. It is the only player in the Asian insurance industry that has been honored with the three same awards over the past 20 years!
Fubon Insurance was honored with seven Big Prizes for the Best Social Responsibility, Best Insurance Professionalism, Best Insurance Education Contribution, Best Integrated Marketing Communication, Best Product Innovation (for Top-Grafted Pear Crop Insurance), Best Communication Service and Best Professional Advisor, as well as five High Distinctions for Best Marketing Channel Strategy, Best Product Innovation (for Compensation Insurance for Falling Housing Prices in Specific Events) and Best Social Contribution in the eighteenth Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony, ranking first in winning the most laurels in the insurance industry.
Fubon Insurance won Social Empowerment Award in the 2016 Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) ceremony for its long-term contribution in social welfare, proving itself to be the only insurance company winning this award in Taiwan.
Fubon Insurance once again won the High Distinction for being the Most Attractive Insurance Company for Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in the Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won the 2015 Insurance Quality Award for four High Distinctions for Best Image, Best After-Sales Service, Best Professionalism and Most Recommended Company, and ranked first as the most recommended insurance company in the Survey on Insurance Buying Behavior and Satisfaction Selected by Thousands of Enterprises for the fifteenth year running.
Fubon Insurance was honored with five Big Prizes for the Best Insurance Professionalism, Best Product Innovation for Fubon Insurance Mountaineering Insurance, Best Insurance Education Contribution, Best Insurance Achievement, Best Communication Service for Fubon Insurance Chengzhong Branch, as well as two High Distinctions for Best Product Innovation for Fubon Insurance Aquaculture Insurance and Best Social Responsibility in the seventeenth Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won four Gold Awards for Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in Talent Training, Excellence in Product Innovation and Excellence in Information Application, as well as two Silver Awards for Excellence in Risk Management and Excellence in Public Service, becoming the biggest winner of insurance industry in the sixth Taiwan Insurance Excellence Award ceremony. Besides, Mr. Tsan-Ming Shih, Senior Consultant and former Chairman of Fubon Insurance, won the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Fubon Insurance once again won the Insurance Quality Award of RMIM Magazine for four High Distinctions: Best Image, Best After-Sales Service, Best Sales Representative, Most Recommended Company, and became the winner of Best Insurance Company of the Year (2014) Selected by Thousands of Enterprises for the fourteen consecutive year.
Fubon Insurance ranked first for being the most attractive insurance company in the survey on Employment Intention of Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in RMIM’s third Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance was granted Personal Information Management System BS 10012:2009 certification by SGS, becoming the first financial services company with two personal information certifications.
Fubon Insurance once again won the Insurance Quality Award of RMIM Magazine for four High Distinctions: Best Image, Best After-Sales Service, Best Sales Representative, Most Recommended Company, and became the winner of Best Insurance Company of the Year (2013) Selected by Thousands of Enterprises for the thirteenth consecutive year.
Fubon Insurance was honored with the four Awards for Best Insurance Professionalism, Best Product Innovation, Best Communication Service, Best Insurance Achievement and other three High Distinctions in the 2013 Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won five Gold Awards for Excellence in Property Insurance, Excellence in Talent Training, Excellence in Risk Management, Excellence in Information Application and Excellence in Product Innovation, as well as two Silver Awards for Excellence in Customer Service and Excellence in Public Service in the fifth Taiwan Insurance Excellence Award ceremony.
Fubon Insurance won the High Distinction for being the most attractive insurance company in the survey on Employment Intention of Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in RMIM’s second Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.
Fubon Insurance ranked first in property insurance industry and fourth in insurance industry in Common Wealth Magazine’s Role Model Company Survey.
Fubon Insurance won the Insurance Quality Award of RMIM Magazine for four High Distinctions: Best Image, Best After-Sales Service, Best Sales Representative, Most Recommended Company, and became the winner of Best Insurance Company of the Year (2012) Selected by Thousands of Enterprises for the twelfth consecutive year.
Fubon Insurance was honored with four Awards for Best Corporate Social Responsibility, Best Product Innovation, Best Communication Service, Best Insurance Achievement and other five High Distinctions in the 2012 Faith, Hope & Love Awards of Insurance ceremony. The company kept winning laurels for the fourteen consecutive years.
Fubon Insurance won the High Distinction for being the most attractive insurance company in the survey on Employment Intention of Graduates from Finance and Insurance Departments in RMIM’s first Dragon & Phoenix Award for Insurance ceremony.