本公司(富邦產物保險股份有限公司)依據個人資料保護法(以下稱個資法)第八條第一項(如為間接蒐集之個人資料則為第九條第一項)規定,向台端告知下列事項,敬請 台端詳閱:
一、 蒐集之目的:
(三)040 行銷。
(四)090 消費者、客戶管理與服務。
(五)157 調查、統計與研究分析。
二、 類別:
包括但不限於姓名、身分證字號、出生年月日、住址、聯絡方式、婚姻、家庭、教育、 職業、財務情況及其他得以直接或間接方式識別該個人之資料。
三、 個人資料來源:
(五)與第三人共同行銷、交互運用客戶資料、合作推廣等關係、或於本公司各項業務內所委託往 來之第三人。
四、 利用之期間、對象、地區及方式:
1. 本公司、與本公司簽訂合作推廣契約之保險代理人/保險經紀人、因辦理財產保險相關業務需要之第三方。
2. 本(分)公司及本公司海外分支機構、中華民國產物保險商業同業公會、中華民國人壽保險 商業同業公會、財團法人保險事業發展中心、財團法人保險安定基金、財團法人住宅地震保險基金、財團法人汽車交通事故特別補償基金、財團法人金融消費評議中心、關貿網路股份有限公司、衛生福利部中央健康保險署、業務委外機構、與本公司有再保業務往來之公司、依法有調查權機關或金融監理機關。
五、 依據個資法第三條規定,台端就本公司保有台端之個人資料得行使之權利及方式:
1. 向本公司查詢、請求閱覽或請求製給複製本。
2. 向本公司請求補充或更正。
3. 得向本公司請求停止蒐集、處理或利用及請求刪除。
六、 台端不提供個人資料所致權益之影響(個人資料由當事人直接蒐集之情形適用):
台端若未能提供相關個人資料時,本公司將可能延後或無法進行必要之審核及處理作業,因此可能婉謝承保、遲延或無法提供 台端相關服務或給付。
2.本告知事項內容若有更動,係以官網公告版本為準。Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) due to the fact that gathering personal data involves risking your privacy, the Company is bound by Paragraph 1, Article 8 (or Paragraph 1, Article 9 if the personal data is collected indirectly) of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) to inform you of the following:
I. Purposes of data collection:
(I) 093 Non-life insurance (operating property insurance-related business in accordance with the insurance laws and regulations).
(II) 001 Life insurance (operating property insurance-related business under the authorization of the insurance laws and regulations).
(III) 040 Marketing.
(IV) 090 Consumer, customer management and service.
(V) 157 Investigation, statistics, and research analysis.
(VI) 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
II. Types of data collection: including but not limited to name, national ID number, date of birth, address, contact information, marriage, family, education, occupation, financial situation and other information that can directly or indirectly identify an individual.
III. Personal data sources:
(I) The applicant/Insured.
(II) Judiciary and police institutions, insurance surveyors or institutions assisting the Company in handling claim matters.
(III) Legal Representative or assistants of an individual of whom the personal information has been collected.
(IV) Medical institutions.
(V) Co-marketing, cross use of customers’ information, cooperative promotion and other relationships with third parties, or third parties entrusted to deal with various businesses of the Company.
IV. Periods, subjects, places and measures of the use of personal data:
(I) Periods: Duration necessary for business operation or keeping period in accordance with regulation.
(II) Subjects:
1. The Company and the insurance agencies/insurance brokers who have signed a cooperative promotion contract with the Company, and third parties needed to engage non-life insurance-related business.
2. The Company, including the branches and the overseas affiliated companies of the Company, the Non-life Insurance Association of the Republic of China, the Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China, the Taiwan Insurance Institute, the Taiwan Insurance Guaranty Fund, the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Fund, the Financial Ombudsman Institution, the Trade-Van Information Services Co., Ltd., the National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, business outsourcing agencies, companies that have reinsurance business dealings with our company, the government agencies with the authorities of investigation or financial supervision.
(III) Places: The region where the above subjects are located.
(IV) Measures of the use: Use in accordance with legal provisions.
V. According to Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you are entitled to make the following rights:
(I) You may exercise the following rights over your own information held by the Company:
1. To check, review or duplicate the collected data.
2. To supplement or correct the collected data.
3. To cease the collection, processing or use and delete of the collected data.
(II) Data subjects’s rights and ways to exercise them:In writing or other means that can be proved later.
VI. The impact on your rights, if you don’t provide information that is necessary for due diligence (applicable when personal data is collected directly by the subject):
If you fail to provide relevant personal data, the Company may delay or be unable to conduct necessary review and processing operations, and therefore the Company may decline to provide insurance, delay or be unable to provide you with related services or payments.
I. The matters notified above have been announced on the official website of the Company.
If you have any questions, please call our company’s toll-free customer service hotline 0800-009-888.
II. If there are any changes to the contents of this notice, the version announced on the official website shall prevail.