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Corporate Governance Framework

Fubon Financial Holdings’ board of directors is the highest governance body in the corporate structure. Since 2014, board candidates have been determined by a nomination mechanism. Nominees are elected from a list of candidates at the annual shareholders meeting. Director candidates (including independent directors) are selected and recommended to the board based on the independence standards stipulated by regulatory authorities, as well as the Company’s ”Procedures for the Election of Directors.” The board convenes at least once a quarter, and nine board meetings were held in 2023. The attendance rate was 94.39% (100% if attendance by proxy was included).

The Company has also made the average attendance rate a factor in board directors’ performance evaluations to fully evaluate the degree of engagement by directors in the Company’s operations.

Functional Committee Organization and Operations

Composition Rules Share of Independent Directors Main Responsibilities 2023 Operations
Met Times Average Attendance
  • Members appointed by the board and must be board directors.
  • Must have no fewer than 3 members.
  • At least half of the members must be Independent directors.
  • Helps the board nominate board of director candidates and recommends potential independent directors for Fubon subsidiaries.
  • Develops initiatives and advises the board on its internal operations and management issues.
  • Oversees implementation of CSR and sustainability initiatives and evaluates their effectiveness.
6 95.35%
Composition Rules Share of Independent Directors Main Responsibilities
  • Members appointed by the board and must be board directors.
  • Must have no fewer than 3 members.
  • At least half of the members must be Independent directors.
  • Helps the board nominate board of director candidates and recommends potential independent directors for Fubon subsidiaries.
  • Develops initiatives and advises the board on its internal operations and management issues.
  • Oversees implementation of CSR and sustainability initiatives and evaluates their effectiveness.
2023 Operations
Met Times Average Attendance
6 95.35%
Composition Rules Share of Independent Directors Main Responsibilities 2023 Operations
Met Times Average Attendance
  • Made up of all of the Company's independent directors.
  • Must have no fewer than 3 members.
  • Oversees the fair presentation of the Company's financial statements.
  • Hires (dismisses) the accounting firm used by the Company and certifies its independence and performance.
  • Monitors the effectiveness of the Company's internal controls.
  • Oversees the appropriateness of internal compliance procedures.
  • Oversees the management of existing or potential risks.
8 100%
Composition Rules Share of Independent Directors Main Responsibilities
  • Made up of all of the Company's independent directors.
  • Must have no fewer than 3 members.
  • Oversees the fair presentation of the Company's financial statements.
  • Hires (dismisses) the accounting firm used by the Company and certifies its independence and performance.
  • Monitors the effectiveness of the Company's internal controls.
  • Oversees the appropriateness of internal compliance procedures.
  • Oversees the management of existing or potential risks.
2023 Operations
Met Times Average Attendance
8 100%
Composition Rules Share of Independent Directors Main Responsibilities 2023 Operations
Met Times Average Attendance
  • Members appointed by the board of directors.
  • Must have no fewer than 3 members.
  • At least half of the members must be independent directors.
  • Establishes and reviews the Company's policies, systems and structures related to the performance evaluations and remuneration of board members and managerial officers.
  • Regularly assesses the actual remuneration paid to board members and managers.
8 100%
Composition Rules Share of Independent Directors Main Responsibilities
  • Members appointed by the board of directors.
  • Must have no fewer than 3 members.
  • At least half of the members must be independent directors.
  • Establishes and reviews the Company's policies, systems and structures related to the performance evaluations and remuneration of board members and managerial officers.
  • Regularly assesses the actual remuneration paid to board members and managers.
2023 Operations
Met Times Average Attendance
8 100%

This website (and the company) has a "Fubon.com Personal Data Protection Declaration" and a " Fubon.com Privacy Protection Policy." (For more information, please refer to the "Fubon.com Personal Data Protection Declaration" and "Fubon.com Privacy Protection Policy)".This website uses cookies to record and access information about your browsing history to improve user experience and optimize the website service. By continuing to use this website, you understand and consent to the policies, as well as the Company’s use of your personal data and other information (including but not limited to cookies).


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